206 Results for author: Clive Adams

2024-06-23 CCP Summer Series Race 10

2024-06-23 CCP Summer Series Race 10 Hi Members and Friends, Lucky with the weather - little wind - slight shower during the race, and only patches of rain afterwards! Not too bad for the Timekeepers! PBs for Visitors Murray and Lee! Welcome to Andrew Manser and Kris Parkhill - first time, as I recall. Everyone come ... More

2024-06-09 CCP Summer Series Race 08

2024-06-09 CCP Summer Series Race 08 Hi Members and Friends, A warm and sunny day - fairly good paddling conditions, with some breeze. Regular Hunter Valley Visitor, Russell, is enjoying a welcome return to good health with his best time in at least six years! Max - whose affection we have to share with the fine vessel, ... More

2024-05-26 CCP Summer Series Race 07

2024-05-26 CCP Summer Series Race 07 More

2024-04-28 CCP Summer Series Race 06

2024-04-28 CCP Summer Series Race 06 Hi Members and Friends, Glorious day to be alive - and good paddling conditions, except for the now notorious Salvinia Molesta weed! A slight flow bringing a little more weed downstream all the time! Then, the prevailing breeze distributes it in large patches, sometimes, across the ... More

2024-04-14 CCP Summer Series Race 05

2024-04-14 CCP Summer Series Race 05 Hi Members and Friends, We wish to extend our sympathy to all affected by the tragedy at Bondi. Good paddling conditions, except for dodging the scattered Salvinia Molesta weed, still making its way downstream - slowly - obviously uncontained at The Milk Factory weir. It may have ... More

2024-03-24 CCP Summer Series Race 04

2024-03-24 CCP Summer Series Race 04 Hi Members and Friends, We were blessed with a fine day and good conditions on the River, with just a gentle flow out. The control booms that the Council are using with works on removing the Salvinia weed above the weir, seem to be working, as there was very little weed evident in the ... More

2024-03-10 CCP Summer Series Race 03

2024-03-10 CCP Summer Series Race 03 Hi Members and Friends, A great morning! The increasing presence of the weed "Salvinia Molesta" in the water, the only minor visual negative - accumulating at the Park due to the prevailing wind. Not something to look forward to, as it will continue to escape from above the Weir, until ... More

2024-02-25 CCP Summer Series Race 02

2024-02-25 CCP Summer Series Race 02 Hi Members and Friends, Pretty good racing conditions, with some flow out due to the recent rain, and a little breeze. David was the "improver of the day," several minutes quicker than lately, but just falling short of a PB. Mick was consistent as usual with Ray a bit quicker than ... More

2024-02-11 CCP Summer Series Race 01

2024-02-11 CCP Summer Series Race 01 Hi Members and Friends, The weather was OK - grateful it wasn't hot and humid like recently, for our first race this year. The Park was recently mowed - "thank you" - to the Council mowing crew who keep the grass under control. The "lightly raced" Cam just held out the fast ... More

2024 Calendar

2024 CCP Calendar More