206 Results for author: Clive Adams

2023-07-09 CCP Winter Series Race 1

2023-07-09 CCP Winter Series Race 1 Hi Members and Friends, Strong, gusty, westerly winds this morning, affected most paddlers, but no swims! I would not be surprised if the worst of the gusts didn't exceed 50kph! The only craft to record a better time than their last race, was Russell and Marni! Well done! They also ... More

2023 AGM

Hi Members and Friends, Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Central Coast Paddlers Inc. is scheduled for 30th July 2023, after Summer Race 2, approximately 11:00/11:30am, at Lions Park, 1 Panonia Road, Wyong. This is to elect a Committee of at least five (5) Committee members, including President, ... More

2023-06-25 CCP Summer Series Race 10

2023-06-25 CCP Summer Series Race 10 Hi Members and Friends, Near perfect winter conditions! The unusual "sub strata" organic material persists in the River. Mainly a visual oddity! Two performances of note today! First - Visitor Trent set the fastest time I can remember in a ski, to win the 11.35km section! Se... More

2023-06-11 CCP Summer Series Race 09

2023-06-11 CCP Summer Series Race 09 Hi Members and Friends, A clear, cool, morning in Wyong! Just a light breeze and very little flow in the River, but most of us found conditions "slow!" First back, was new Member, Laura, having her first race with us! I believe she has only paddled the TK1 a few times before! Jessica ... More

2023-06-04 CCP Summer Series Race 08

2023-06-04 CCP Summer Series Race 08 Hi Members and Friends, In defiance of some weather predictions, there was no rain, and very little wind at Lions Park, Wyong, and for most of the course, though there was some wind on the Tacoma "straight." There was only a light shower, well after the finish. Clive and Ozzie had a ... More

2023 Local Calendar 2

2023 local Calendar 2 More

2023-05-21 CCP Summer Series Race 7

2023-05-21 CCP Summer Series Race 07 Hi Members and Friends, An exciting, and enjoyable day, despite a boisterous wind, and an inconsiderate power boat captain - who was infringing the "no wash" zone, and the 4knot limit. First home, in the 7.62km section, was Ray, having his first kayak race! Welcome to our Club, ... More

2023-05-07 CCP Summer Series Race 6

2023-05-07 CCP Summer Series Race 06 Hi Members and Friends, As predicted, we had good conditions for the race, with just a light westerly wind. Afterwards, a little cold rain - just a nuisance - then it cleared up. It was not until about 1:30pm that we got the nasty storm front. First home, in the 7.62km section, was ... More

2023-04-23 CCP Summer Series Race 05

2023-04-23 CCP Summer Series Race 05 Hi Members and Friends, Very good conditions! And the rain stayed away! Absent for some years, former Member - Ozzie, put in a solid performance to win the 7.6km section, despite minimal training opportunities due to health issues. The Handicapper produced his best effort for some ... More

2023-04-02 CCP Summer Series Race 04

2023-04-02 CCP Summer Series Race 04 Hi Members and Friends, Having looked at the "weather predictions," we were still optimistic about holding today's event. But we became alarmed when a severe weather warning was issued for Gosford and Wyong! We pooled our resources, (devices,) and quickly determined that the ... More