2023-06-11 CCP Summer Series Race 09

2023-06-11 CCP Summer Series Race 09

Hi Members and Friends,
A clear, cool, morning in Wyong!
Just a light breeze and very little flow in the River, but most of us found conditions “slow!”
First back, was new Member, Laura, having her first race with us! I believe she has only paddled the TK1 a few times before! Jessica was second, with Max third. Next was Allan – the only one able to replicate his previous time.
Clive and I were about a minute slower. President Nathan had a change of craft, and a win! Three Visitors were next. We last saw Lee and Andrew early April, last year, and both have since upgraded their craft! Member – Mick, backed up from a hard race yesterday. Malcolm and Sue teamed up, (second time only), to just hold out Marnie, in ski, – then Rob. Marni, back in her K1, was missing her usual paddling partner, Russell!
Lucky prizes were won by Marni and Mick B.
Thank you – Guest Photographer, Neil.
Keeping us organised, thank you, Margaret, assisted by Jessica, with Max and Rob helping with the chores.
See you in two weeks?