206 Results for author: Clive Adams

2023-12-03 CCP Winter Series Race 11

2023-12-03 CCP Winter Series Race 11 Hi Members and Friends, Good conditions, though a little humid on the paddle back! There was a cooling breeze at Tacoma! The River was a bit discolored from the recent rain, which I believe slows us down. Among the many excellent efforts today, there were two Personal Bests! ... More

2023-11-19 CCP Winter Series Race 10

2023-11-19 CCP Winter Series Race 10 Hi Members and Friends, Great weather and enjoyable paddling, but just enough cross winds to prevent any Personal Bests, and encourage some aerobatics! Rob is getting back into form, and Vernise & Paul really gave it a "shake!" Nathan was not disappointed, despite little ... More

2023-11-12 CCP Winter Series Race 9

2023-11-12 CCP Winter Series Race 9 Hi Members and Friends, Fine weather for ("make up day") Race 9. Russell was first in a new K1, (I think the handicapper was a bit kind!), Mick B - second, with Nathan third in the 11.35km. Big effort from Michael - produced a PB! Paul and Vernise were second, with Sue third - ... More

2023-10-22 CCP Winter Series Race 8 – Cancelled due to lack of numbers


2023-10-08 CCP Winter Series Race 7

2023-10-08 CCP Winter Series Race 7 Hi Members and Friends, Another idyllic day! A mixture of variables produced a very satisfying and enjoyable morning. Many hands did make light work! Particular thanks to the Timekeepers - Diana and Margaret - who unselfishly give their time so we Paddlers can indulge! ... More

2023-09-24 CCP Winter Series Race 6 plus 30km

2023-09-24 CCP Winter Series Race 6 plus 30km Hi Members and Friends, The excellent racing conditions today were only matched by the camaraderie of the Paddlers, Support Staff and Safety Crews! I must make special mention of the honesty of the info supplied by the 30km Paddlers, with which to base the handicaps ... More

2023-09-10 CCP Winter Series Race 5

2023-09-10 CCP Winter Series Race 5 Hi Members and Friends, Another glorious day! Ray overcame some technical issues, beforehand, to paddle another Personal Best in his quest to develop his talents in preparation for his New Zealand Odyssey! The rest of the ("short") field had an enjoyable time, without breaking ... More

2023-08-27 CCP Winter Series Race 4

Hi Members and Friends, What a glorious day! Great racing conditions on the River, and convivial camaraderie at the Park, afterwards! Significant PBs for Sue, by - 1:40, and Ozzie - 1:50 ! A PB for Malcolm, by - 0:25, and Max - 0:24. Mick backed up, after over an hour on the River, before the race, and an Ocean ... More

2023-08-13 CCP Winter Series Race 3

2023-08-13 CCP Winter Series Race 3 Hi Members and Friends, Very good paddling conditions despite a little light rain for the latter part of the race, and afterwards, but quickly cleared up - contrary to the prediction! It dampened our clothes, but not our enthusiasm! Most Paddlers bettered their recent performances, ... More

2023-07-30 CCP Winter Series Race 2

2023-07-30 CCP Winter Series Race 2 Hi Members and Friends, A lovely day for the dozen Paddlers! Almost no wind, and just the right temperature! There were comments that it was a "hard day," or that the water was "dead." Could it be - that sneaky, gentle flow out - that we don't feel, until we turn to come home, ... More