Results for Series 7 CCP time trial race 21-09-26

Results for Series 7 CCP time trial race 21-09-26 Hi Members and Friends, The competition is hotting up! The Handicapper has taken the liberty of re-handicapping the Winner! Congratulations on your PB, Col - especially given your location - Brisbane Water! Good performances by Cam and Rob, as they were in the ... More

Results for Series 7 CCP time trial race 21-09-19

Results for Series 7 CCP time trial race 21-09-19 Hi Members and Friends, We trust you are all keeping safe and well. Winner and "runner-up" positions were keenly contested under good conditions on Wyong River this week! Excellent times too! Congratulations Cam and Rob! ( It does help to have an actual adversary!) Photo ... More

Results for Series 7 CCP time trial race 21-09-12

Results for Series 7 CCP time trial race 21-09-12 Hi Members and Friends, A new Series! We would like to welcome New Member, Colin Campbell, having his first Virtual with us. Good competition for 1st - Cam, and 2nd - Rob, with Colin 3rd - congratulations! A couple of uncharacteristic times this week! "On track" ... More

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 06 21-09-05

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 06 21-09-05   Hi Members and Friends, Cam and Rob back on the podium this week, joined by a scrubber from the back paddock! I'll add Warwick to the list, if he does paddle this "week," but I suspect he may have a rest, as he had his injection earlier. Still, we soldier ... More

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 06 21-08-29

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 06 21-08-29 Hi Members and Friends, Good performance from Cam, but Warwick has commenced his "comeback!" Well done, Warwick! More than ever, the importance of Covid 19 compliance has to be stressed, with cases here on the coast!. We are fortunate to still be able to pursue ... More

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 06 21-08-22

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 06 21-08-22 Hi Members and Friends, Good to see Rob back in form again! Fastest this week! Of course, participation is the main thing! Hope that you are all finding ways to keep interested and mobile! I noticed a fair bit of activity on the River on Sunday, due to the very ... More

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 06 21-08-08

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 06 21-08-08 Hi Members and Friends, Congratulations Jim, and John, on your series PBs! Solid performances also, from Clive, Cam and Rob. Warwick has been distracted by a craft building project, but expects to get "back on board" now. Keep safe, (and occupied, for your ... More

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 06 21-07-25

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 06 21-07-25 Hi Members and Friends, Windy weather slowed the results coming in, but the usual field filed their efforts. Please be vigilant re Covid restrictions! Keep safe. Regards, Nick. ps. Following the canoeing? Go Jess! n. More

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 06 21-07-18

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 06 21-07-18 Hi Members and Friends, Clive is the "winner" this week - very consistent! Unfortunately, "normal" activities seem more unlikely than ever! Members, and non-Members are invited to participate in the "Virtual" Races. Email me for details. Regards, Nick. More

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 06 21-07-11

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 06 21-07-11 Hi Members and Friends, With resumption of normal competition still in the balance, we're relying on our Virtual Races to maintain our interest and fitness - to varying degrees. I would like to thank our competitors for entering into the spirit of the "Virtual ... More