Edit Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 06 21-07-04

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 06 21-07-04 More

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 05 21-06-27

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 05  21-06-27 Members and Friends, "The Virtual" Back in the saddle, after most were unseated last week, due to the weather! Congratulations, Rob - despite the conditions in the lake - a win! Well - all normal racing off - until further notice! Sadly - we ended up with ... More

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 04 21-06-13

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 04 21-06-13 Hi Members and Friends, Variable conditions this week, so I have adjusted the handicaps as appropriate. Clive has emerged as the most consistent! Regards, Nick. More

CCP Race 10 tomorrow – CANCELLED

Hi Members and Friends, Due to the severe weather warning from the BOM, we are cancelling Race 10 at Lions Park tomorrow. Hoping for better weather next weekend, for the President's Doubles. There is still a TK2 available to borrow. Let me know if you are interested. Keep warm and safe. Regards, Nick. More

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 03 21-06-06

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 03 21-06-06 Hi Members and Friends, I'll need to have a serious talk with the Handicapper about the unprecedented winner this week! An aberration, I'm sure! Cam and Rob tackled the Lake this week, while Clive and I enjoyed the calm of Wyong River - still has a bit of flow out, ... More

2021-06-06 CCP Summer Series Race 9

2021-06-06 CCP Summer Series Race 9 Hi Members and Friends, Firstly, two of our Members, Nathan and Cameron, had to abandon their paddling plans, to each support a family member with a health issue. Fortunately, Cameron's Wife is back home and OK. We anxiously await news of Nathan's Father-in-law, (Jessica's Father) and ... More



Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 02 21-05-30

Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 02 21-05-30 Hi Members and Friends, Has the weather cooled enthusiasm? Just five paddlers this week! Congratulations to Cam who bettered his last Series PB! Noticed the "Elite" paddlers, from BWP, on Wyong River yesterday morning - avoiding the windy conditions on ... More

Virtual Series 5 Wrap Up

Hi Members and Friends, Congratulations - the winner was Peter Walker - 100% attendance ! Using paddlers' "Best 12", the placings were Cam Mehmet - 215, Peter Walker - 211, Rob McPherson - 206, Jim Buckland - 205, Clive Adams 202 and Nick Naughton - 198. How are your plans going for a "Winter Campaign" to ward off ... More


Hi Members and Friends, I've had a couple of requests for a "Central Coast" only  Calendar - so here it is! If you need a "Statewide" calendar, let me know. Happy Paddling! Regards, Nick. 2021 CENTRAL COAST ONLY CALENDAR More