Results from Summer Series Race 5, 28th April 2019

Today, we enjoyed a beautiful day, with a light wind assisting us on our way downstream. New Member, Nathan Podlich, who has shown promise in our Wednesday evening Time Trials, tried out over 11.35km for the first time - with very pleasing results! Mick Carroll was close behind, but had to improve his previous times by ... More

Wednesday night time trials from 4pm onwards from now on, until daylight saving returns

This season's 7.5km Time Trials wrapped up with Nathan Podlich finding some form; Clive Adams again had a good time; with The Handicapper in third place - almost equalling a previous PB. Mick Carroll also, almost equalled last week's PB, followed closely by Rob McPherson, and Cam Mehmet. A few "Time Triallers" are going to ... More

Results from Summer Series Race 4, 24th March 2019

The rain had eased, with the level up, but the flow almost gone, for the postponed from last week, Race 4. Conditions were good, with just a little breeze. In the 7.5km, there was a mighty struggle between the "much paddled" Owen Walton - fresh from a 10km State Race yesterday at Woronora, and the "lightly trained" David ... More

2019 CCP Race Calendar – revised

The CCP calendar has been revised after Myleston pulled out of race 5 on Sat 4th May due to being unable to get the support staff it needed. The 'Batemans Bay Bonus Round' on Sat 27th April is now race 5. You can download the calendar from 2019 CCP EVENT CALENDAR (2)     More

Results from Summer Series Race 3, 10th March 2019

Good conditions, but a little contra breeze on the trip home, was noticeable. Good times, but just one PB, Sally Verhuel, I believe. President Mick Carroll outlined upcoming events, and thanked Marg and Dianna for Timekeeping, and Anne Moore, and James Sealy, for providing Morning Tea. He also mentioned Coasties (all ... More

Results from Summer Series Race 2, 17th February 2019

First home today was former CCCC President Steve Monger and Karen Schofield in SLR2. An example of how fast the Course is - Steve thought they would achieve 11 kph - they did nearly 11.5kph! Steve & Karen are used to going round the Brisbane Water course. Rob Cook surprised - taking 3:39 off his last race time - ... More

Results from Summer Series Race 1, 3rd February 2019

It was easy to lose sight of the paddler in front, due to the heavy mist on Wyong River this morning, which did not lift until the latter part of the race. We were visited by ex Olympian, and Hunter Valley Paddlesports Club Member, Shane "Tagg" who treated us to a fine display of paddling, to overtake the entire field, ... More

2019 CCP Race Calendar Published

  The 2019 Race Calendar has been released - you can download it from 2019 CCP Event Calendar The dates in September, October and November are provisional, pending advice from PaddleNSW re their proposed "Ultra Marathon Series". More

Results from Winter Series Race 8,11th November 2018

Lovely day - fitting for a Remembrance Day! Just a couple of weeks after her Class win in the HCC, Heidi Duncan teamed up with Owen Walton, (while his partner, Anne Moore is "out of paddling action"), and "flew under the radar" for a convincing win, in the Fenn double ski. Max Lyons took full advantage of the conditions to ... More

Results from Winter Series Race 7, 4th November 2018

Mercifully, it was not as hot as the past couple of days! There was a brisk Nor'easter which made it hard going for the first half for Ray, Ross and I! Unaffected though - and improved on previous times - were Rob McPherson (especially, all time PB! Congratulations!), Warwick Nichols, Marg & Rob Cook, Clive Adams ... More