Results from Summer Series Race 4, 24th March 2019
The rain had eased, with the level up, but the flow almost gone, for the postponed from last week, Race 4. Conditions were good, with just a little breeze.
In the 7.5km, there was a mighty struggle between the “much paddled” Owen Walton – fresh from a 10km State Race yesterday at Woronora, and the “lightly trained” David Hopkins, with Owen getting the nod from our trusty Timekeepers, Diana and Marg, who had their own “battle”, as the previously reliable, but ancient Printing Stopwatch, finally “threw in the towel.”
In the 11.35km, Hunter Valley paddler, Greg Hillier, had a convincing win, with the only PB on the day.
Fastest time was Andrew Wilkinson, with a welcome return to form.
New “Dad”, Aidan Shipton, was also able to find some good form, to fill a place.
Alby Cobb and Geoff Dawes also “backed up” from Woronora yesterday, to almost crack the hour.
Gina Weekes, Warwick Nichols, (also raced at Woronora), and Clive Adams had good times to finish near “Estimated Finish Time”.
Max Lyons, Heidi Duncan and Mick Carroll also raced at Woronora.
Luke Eltham and Ray Weekes were battling health issues, and Rob McPherson towed a fishing line, complete with multiple hooks, sinker and float, for 9km of the 11.35km.
A busy Sunday next week, when we host Round 3 of the State Series at Tacoma.
See you there?