Results for Series 2 CCP time trial 20-05-24

Results for Series 2 CCP time trial 20-05-24 Hi Members and Friends, In these most unusual of times, it is wonderful to see Members still getting out and "giving it all" in our "Virtual Races!" Most paddle in an "imaginary race" with unseen opponents, who they are trying to catch, or keep in front of. Whatever the ... More

Results for Series 2 CCP time trial 20-05-17

Results for Series 2 CCP time trial 20-05-17 Hi Members and Friends, "So far so good," with this foreign intruder! I propose to "keep my head down" for a bit longer, and may I suggest, where possible, it might be a good idea for all, generally. An excellent result this week, very close - Congratulations to Mark, Clive, ... More

Results for Series 2 CCP time trial 20-05-10

Results for Series 2 CCP time trial 20-05-10 Hi Members and Friends, Hope everyone had a nice day, and Mums were spoiled at every opportunity! Congratulations to Jim, Mick and John on their Series PBs! Regards, Nick.   More

Results for Series 2 CCP time trial 20-05-03

Results for Series 2 CCP time trial 20-05-03 Hi Members and Friends, Hope you are all well and warm! "put two kayaks on the water, and it's a race," certainly was the case on Wednesday with Cam and I! While the "Virtual Races" are keeping up interest, there's nothing like a real competitor for motivation! Well done, ... More

Results for Series 2 CCP time trial 20-04-26

Results for Series 2 CCP time trial 20-04-26   Hi Members and Friends, It's good to see our "Virtual Races" continuing to provide an avenue for Paddlers to maintain their health and fitness in these trying times, while observing State Gov. restrictions. For those using the Wyong River 7.55km course, we have ... More

Results for Series 2 CCP time trial 20-04-19

Results for Series 2 CCP time trial 20-04-19 Hi Members and Friends, Edition three of our weekly "Virtual Races!" Welcome to another new participant - Alan McLeod - who paddles a similar craft to Allen Matzen - I can see confusion entering the scene, here! It seems paddlers appreciate the freedom to be able to get their ... More

Results for Series 2 CCP time trial 20-04-12

Results for Series 2 CCP time trial 20-04-12   Hi Member and Friends, A couple of late entries! It is encouraging to see numbers increasing. Welcome Peter and Alan. Our entries come from Brisbane Water to the Hunter River! We may have to change the point system. Keep your "distance" and stay safe! Regards... More

Results for Series 2 CCP time trial 20-04-05

Results for Series 2 CCP time trial 20-04-05 Hi Members and Friends, Most of our "Regulars" were able to contribute to the "Virtual" Race 1, which closed this evening. A welcome addition was Member Jim Buckland who moved "further afield", a couple of years ago. We will be flexible with the "organising," so feel free to ... More

Results for CCP time trial 11 on 25th March 2020

Results for CCP time trial 11 on 25th March 2020   Hi Members and Friends, This week's Time Trial has been a "dress rehearsal" for the new Series, designed to provide incentive for us to maintain our fitness without significant risk. We had most of the variables we expected - different locations, (Lake/River) variat... More

Future for club races

Hi Members and Friends, After much discussion and several revised plans, we have decided to continue with our Wednesday Evening Time Trials - but run differently. Our normal Sunday Club Races are cancelled until further notice. We are advised that it is beneficial to continue to exercise in a safe, "non-contact" manner. ... More