96 Results for author: Steve Hill

PNSW Race 7 at Davistown on NBN News

The PNSW Marathon Series Race 7 at Davistown today got some coverage on NBN News, go to NBN News to see it.     More

CCCC Summer Race 8, 11th June 2017

 A favourable change in the weather produced a great day for racing! Though the water was discoloured, and running at nearly one and a half kilometres an hour - which usually means slower times - most Paddlers were very close, or better, than recent performances!  I have included the Pointscore Totals for Members' Best ... More

PNSW Race 6 Mylestrom (Coffs Harbour) – Results for Coasties

From the Official PNSW photos, it looked like a glorious day at Mylstom. Photos can be found at http://centralcoastcanoeclub.org.au/gallery/ The "windchop" appeared to abate by start time, for good conditions on the beautiful Bellinger River. There were 32 Paddlers from the four "Coast Clubs", including nine from ... More

Updated 2017 Race Calendar

The Race  Calendar has been revised to enable Members to attend "3 Rivers 3 Distances" at Port Macquarie on 20th August. Our Winter Series Race 4 will now be held on 3rd September. You can get a copy of the full calendar at 2017 CENTRAL COAST CANOE CLUB CALENDAR More

CCCC Summer Race 7, 28th May 2017

Quite a nice day - except for about five minutes, when it was almost winter! Very little wind, but the gentle, deceptive, flow out made it hard for PBs today - congratulations Mark and Cheryl Bretag! Visitor, Scott Cunningham, is well on the "comeback trail" with improvement on his previous race - congratulations ... More

PNSW Race 5 – Windsor Results for CCCC

As in previous races, there was a good turnout with just under 200 paddlers registered for the days racing. Despite a forecast of rain through the morning, the early drizzle had cleared away by the time most paddlers arrived at Macquarie Park. Windsor Canoe Club organised a great event with the usual coffee wagon and ... More

CCCC K2 Times

There has been some interest in the K2 time set by Warwick Nichols and Matt Miles last Sunday. Mick Carroll has even contacted me from Austria, to remind me that he and Jack Ward had set an even faster time some years ago, in the Double Dragon recreational craft. The records reveal that, on the 7th November 2011, they ... More

CCCC Summer Race 6, 7th May 2017

We were greeted by lovely sunshine at Lions Park, and quite a few recreational paddlers - some of whom went up to the weir, then down to the Lake, and back! Hours of trudging 'round and 'round on the windlass yesterday, aboard the sailing ship - James Craig, (hoisting a new t'gallant spar), must have invigorated Max ... More

HCC Famil Paddles coming up in June and July

There are 2 HCC famil paddles scheduled in June and July. First one is Saturday, June 17th from Sackville to Wisemans,  leave at 9.00am for lunch in Wisemans pub after. The cost $5 to launch at Sackville Caravan Park near the ferry. Second one is Saturday, July 8th from Wisemans to Spencer,  leave at 9.00am and have ... More

Newy Paddlers Splash & Dash Big Birthday Splash

Looking for something different to spice up your paddling - check out the Newy Paddlers Splash & Dash Event on Saturday 13th May. For more details, go to Splash & Dash Event Info. It should be a cracker!!! Registrations close at 10pm Tuesday 9th May so REGISTER TODAY, there  are limited numbers for SUP's (30) ... More