2 Results for month: 06/2024

2024-06-23 CCP Summer Series Race 10

2024-06-23 CCP Summer Series Race 10 Hi Members and Friends, Lucky with the weather - little wind - slight shower during the race, and only patches of rain afterwards! Not too bad for the Timekeepers! PBs for Visitors Murray and Lee! Welcome to Andrew Manser and Kris Parkhill - first time, as I recall. Everyone come ... More

2024-06-09 CCP Summer Series Race 08

2024-06-09 CCP Summer Series Race 08 Hi Members and Friends, A warm and sunny day - fairly good paddling conditions, with some breeze. Regular Hunter Valley Visitor, Russell, is enjoying a welcome return to good health with his best time in at least six years! Max - whose affection we have to share with the fine vessel, ... More