2023-06-25 CCP Summer Series Race 10
2023-06-25 CCP Summer Series Race 10
Hi Members and Friends,
Near perfect winter conditions!
The unusual “sub strata” organic material persists in the River. Mainly a visual oddity!
Two performances of note today!
First – Visitor Trent set the fastest time I can remember in a ski, to win the 11.35km section!
Second – Laura showed “amazonian” courage to complete the 7.62km course in a difficult kayak for the first time!(not set up for her).
Former “Member of old,” Michael, won the 7.62km distance, with several Paddlers either returning after a break, or competing at the State Series Race at Woronora yesterday.
Good to see the “Timekeeper Team” of Diana and Margaret in action again – thank you Ladies!
The lucky Prizes were won by Visitor Mick, and Member Laura.
Thank you everyone who helped with the chores today.