2022-08-21 CCP Winter Series Race 03 and 30km from 2021
2022-08-21 CCP Winter Series Race 03 and 30km from 2021
Hi Members and Friends,
We were pleased to welcome Members of Lane Cove River Kayakers and Brisbane Water Paddlers today – and the conditions were excellent!
In the handicapped 30km, Geoff Dawes & Alby Cobb were first home.
MIck Carroll and Murray Dell, BWP, were fastest – for the Van Stappen Trophy.
Don Johnstone, LCRK, was the Fastest Male Paddler in a single craft – Naomi Johnson, LCRK, was the Fastest Female Paddler in a single craft, for the Handicapper’s Trophy.
LCRK President, Duncan Johnstone, won the combined 7.64 & 11.35km.
Rob McPherson, CCP, 2nd, had the fastest time, and Visitor, Allan Newhouse was third – a PB by one second!
Lucky Prizes went to Duncan, Geoff and Alby – First, and Rob, Mick and Murray – Fastest.
Thanks to the Helpers – Margaret and Rob – with Special Mention to Max and John for “putting out” and “retrieving” the buoys.