Results from Summer Series Race 7, 27th May 2018
Exciting racing – excellent weather and conditions today!
Heidi Duncan was first home, improving over eleven minutes on Race 5! Congratulations on your PB, Heidi!
Alby Cobb teamed up with former CCCC Member, Geoff Dawes, to secure second place. (Good to see you again, Geoff!)
Marg and Rob Cook surprised by nearly equaling their 2015 PB!
Mick Carroll continues “the road back”.
HVPC’s Sally Verheul demonstrated her versatility with an excellent performance in her K1, after a good showing with Marg, in the Cook’s double, in Race 5.
Sometimes known for a bit of “wash riding,” James Craig Sailor, Max Lyons did it all on his own, again, to finish ahead of handicap.
Cam and Lyn Tunbridge improved on their first outing in the “Blast 2” ski, to earn a PB – well done!
Five more PBs followed, with a great contest between team “Ray Baxter & Shane Tagg” K2, Lachlan Blakewell K1, and team “Aidan Shipton & Adam Gray” K2 in a photo finish! Lachy decided to give the two K2s thirty seconds start, in his quest to eventually complete the 11.35km course in under 50 minutes!
Gina Weekes, and Ray Weekes, both improved, yet again, to record a PB each!
Congratulations all!
Rob McPherson produced a good performance today, but had to contend with too many improved times and PBs!
Warwick Nichols did not reproduce the PB of two races ago, but I feel we will see a resurgence soon!
Former Member, Danny Walsh, raced here today, after an absence of some years – welcome back, Danny!
In the 7.5km race, Ross Fraser is another on “the comeback trail”, by leading the field home.
The next three were separated by only two seconds! HVPC’s Brian Dale, Nick Naughton and James Sealy.
Owen Walton, Lew Zaska and Clive Adams followed close behind.
Gina Weekes put on a great spread afterwards, supported by hand made goodies from Sally Verheul. Marg handled the Timekeeping in fine style, as usual! Thank you Ladies!
Craig Cobb did the photography, which will be on the Club’s facebook page – perhaps tomorrow – thanks Craig.
We all missed Anne Moore, who is recouperating after surgery, and we wish her a speedy and complete recovery.
Full results can be found here!
For those making the trip up to the lovely Belinger River at Mylstom, for Round 6 of the PaddleNSW Series, we wish you a safe journey, and enjoyable racing.
See you on 17th June, for the last race in our Summer Series, at Lions Park?