Results from 7.5km Time Trial, 23rd November 2017
Conditions were near enough to prefect! Just a little breeze to help prevent overheating.
Mick is giving his new K1 a workout lately, and set possibly his best time in K1 over 7.58km, though he has been quicker in his SLR. Cam was also trying out K1, and did almost the same time, despite having already done one lap of the course.
Nick and Jim were able to find a little more speed this time, but finished together, again. Heidi paddled her beautiful new – color co-ordinated with her car – Think Evo in a Time Trial with us for the first time. Heidi completed the recent HCC with Darren Forbes – “Coach of the Year!”
Must thank President Steve for doing the timekeeping!
Three more TTs this year! See you there?