Results for Series 2 CCP time trial 20-08-09
Results for Series 2 CCP time trial 20-08-09
Hi Members and Friends,
Enough fine weather for most to get their “TT” times in!
Mick was able to paddle at a different venue, with some “competition and encouragement” – for a good time!
But John excelled, with a PB!
Cam and Rob continue with their good form, while we “others” are maintaining our fitness?
The “Virtual” format is proving convenient – allowing those who wish to get extra training in, at a suitable time.
We are lucky that we can pursue our sport in these times – almost without impediment!
But, don’t “take your foot off the pedal” – keep “distancing,” and maybe, consider wearing a mask in crowded areas?
Details of the 30km Wyong River Ultra, 30th August, soon!