Report from 30km Marathon Race, 8th October 2017
The longer distance was started first, then the shorter distances.
We hope to see some good pics from our “Official Photographer” – Owen Walton who “braved the briney” in his shiny, new Audax Sea Kayak, despite still suffering “man flu!”
Fastest Time went to Alby Cobb and (Visitor) Geoff Dawes.
The Van Stappen Trophy for fastest Member was secured by Cam Tunbridge.
Darren Forbes and Heidi Duncan won the major Prizes for their win in the 30.4km.
Prizes also to Aidan Shipton and Ray Weekes for their First and Second in the 15.2km.
Peter Nickless (Launching Beach Maintenance Officer) and David Hopkins, First and Second in the 7.58km.
Veteran Paddler Andrew Kucyper impressed with his determined performance in his preparation for the 111km HCC.
Max Lyons and Cam Tunbridge were happy with their efforts, as was Marni Kay, despite her having to stop for gear adjustments.
The 15.2km was fiercely contested by Aidan Shipton, Ray Weekes, Nick Naughton, Gina Weekes and Anne Moore, who was having her first race since an operation.