CCP Winter Series Race 5, 13th September 2020
CCP Winter Series Race 5, 13th September 2020
Hi Members and Friends,
A glorious Spring day!
A slightly longer course now, as the Council water monitoring Buoy has been replaced,after repair, in an altered position.
So, all PBs will have to start again!
However, it does appear that two Members have set a record speed for this approximate distance – Andrew Wilkinson and Rob McPherson – with Marg and Rob Cook very close to their best!
Visiting BWP Member, Michael Day, had a close finish with Mick Carroll.
A warm welcome to new Member, Sandy Hauraki! Sandy usually paddles Outrigger, but used her V8 Ski, for her first paddle with us!
One of our “newer” Members recently purchased a new craft from a well known Hunter Valley manufacturer.
Our Member was a bit surprised when the gentleman remarked that he was harshly treated by the handicapper when he last raced at Wyong – almost fifty years ago! He didn’t add that he had an enviable reputation as a white water competitor and was handicapped on that ability! So, when another Hunter Valley Member presented for Race 5, the Handicapper was careful to not make the same mistake with Alan – especially as he was paddling a borrowed Ski – with only a few weeks experience – and having transitioned from C1 – (single blade paddling). Alan had correctly predicted that he could achieve about 10 kph, but was given a more favourable start time – to the Handicapper’s embarrassment! Anyway, congratulations Alan – well done!
Our weekly Virtual 7.5km races have been well attended, with the “Regulars” only missing the occasional race.
Next Race – 27th September – see you there?