CCP Winter Series Race 1, 5th July 2020
CCP Winter Series Race 1, 5th July 2020
Hi Members and Friends,
Racing resumed at Wyong, with “business as usual” (plus distancing etc) thanks to some careful planning by the “Catering Committee!”
All present are to be congratulated for observing the Covid 19 Regulations!
President Mick did a PB as a result of weeks of intense training – Congratulations – but Special Mention for Murray Dell’s performance – over six minutes reduction since August last year! Congratulations, Murray!
Also – entering the Winner’s List with vast improvement, is Peter Walker! Congratulations!
Commiserations to Rob Cook, who got tangled up in fishing lines! We might send the “Fisherman” a Race Calendar and encourage him to wait ’till after we have paddled past, to set his lines!
Good to see Greg Hillier visiting, from Hunter Valley Paddlesports Club.
We have received the OK from Transport NSW to hold the WYONG RIVER ULTRA on 30th August. So – mobilise the Planning Committee!
See you – Sunday week?