2022-08-14 CCP Winter Series Race 01
2022-08-14 CCP Winter Series Race 03
Hi Members and Friends,
A bit windy at times, especially at Tacoma, by reports!
Marg and Rob, paddling “Bubbles” – originally owned by the late, legendary marathon paddler Dave McPherson – improved on their last race – probably spurred on by President Nathan!
Allan was third across the line – first in the minor “mixed distances” race!
Fourth was Clive – second in the 7.62km section.
It was good to see Michael back at Wyong, (former CCCC Member), after many years! Still paddling strongly!
“Lightly trained” Cam was sixth – fourth in the longer 11.35km section.
John was seventh – third in the shorter distance.
Rob rounded out the field after completing the longer distance – also “lightly trained.”
Special thanks to Margaret for doing the Timekeeping by herself – allowing me to get some photos.
Thanks also, to our Lad (un-named) who cleaned up the Park, after some “people” who couldn’t find the two large garbage bins! And Rob, for his usual help. Also to the others who helped “clean up!”
I have received some inquiries regarding the 30km Race next Sunday.
Though we have not advertised it widely, as we are Starting it at Lions Park, Wyong, it is open to “All-comers” who are Registered with PaddleNSW – either by regular Registration, or by “Single Event Registration” via PNSW online.
Entry Fees are only $5 for non – Members of CCP – payable on the day.
Entries / enquiries to centralcoastpaddlers@gmail.com