2022-07-31 CCP Winter Series Race 02
2022-07-31 CCP Winter Series Race 02
Hi Members and Friends,
It was great to see the sun, again!
Following the flood, the resulting silt at the Park, had dried out, but was mostly sandy this time! And, provided a “launching beach!” (it won’t last!)
Saturday afternoon, President Nathan discovered that the Council Water Testing Buoy, just passed the Co-op at Tacoma, had been carried downstream by the floodwater! As this buoy usually serves as our 7.62km turn, we had to improvise, resulting in an approximate distance for Sunday’s race. (the Council Buoy at St. Cecilias was also carried downstream! see pic)
Race 1, which was not held due to flooding, will now be held on August 14th. (hopefully!)
Last year’s “30km Van Stappen Trophy” Race will be held (subject to weather!) as an extra option on Sunday, August 21st. (Race 3).
Thank you Margaret for Timekeeping, and Rob for “Landscaping” and technical supplies.
Viewed Allan’s famous handsome handmade TC1! (see pic)
We also held our AGM after the race. Report later.