Results from Winter Series Race 8, 10th November 2019
CCP Winter Series Race 8, 10th November 2019
“If you build it, he will come” – attributed to Kevin Kostner – so we put out the challenge!
Six Paddlers answered with “PBs” and collected their Prizes! – Mark Porter, Sally Verheul, Mick Carroll, John Wood, and Lew Zaska – Jess Hagan, with her sixth, in a row!
Fastest time was Visitor Glen Sheeky, paddling an Ocean Ski, in 58:54.
Convinced I would “put in a shocker” for the last race of the year, due to being unable to train for over two weeks, the Handicapper relented, and extended my handicap by a minute. My time was two seconds off my best for the year – which was a false PB as it was a “wash ride!” Unbelievable!
Glen Sheedy and Ray Weekes won the Lucky Prizes.
Welcome to new Member – Peter Walker.
Thank you Diana and Margaret for the Timekeeping – Nathan for the water heating – and Steve Monger and Margaret for Morning Tea. (your home made pineapple and coconut cake was delicious, Steve!)
Thank you, everyone, who has contributed to a very enjoyable year at Central Coast Paddlers.
Our sympathies are extended to all who have suffered during the unprecedented bushfires.
Our Presentation is at Wyong Bowling Club – 11:30, 24th November. All welcome.