Results from Winter Series Race 7, 3rd November 2019
CCP Winter Series Race 7, 3rd November 2019
Nice day – starting to warm up!
Warwick Nichols achieved a PB in his Tygur K1, cracking the 11kph!
Visitor, and former CCCC President, Mark Porter, also earned a PB in his K1!
Nathan Podlich was not far off his best, in third place.
I did my average time.
Mick Carroll was close to his PB, despite doing his best time in the recent Hawkesbury Classic.
Clive Adams was heard to reflect on the result of trying a new paddling technique, advocated by a respected Paddling Coach!
John Wood was encouraged to “lift his game” to hold off the challenge from the “improving” TK1 paddler Jess Hagan, who registered her fourth PB!
The Lucky Prizes were drawn by Nathan and Jess.
Thanks to Diana and Margaret for the vital Timekeeping, and Nathan for the water heating, and Margaret for Morning Tea.
Clive & I removed some construction rubble which had been dumped in the River, at the Start location on Saturday, which presented a hazard to people using the River, for swimming and kayaking.