Results from Winter Series Race 4,15th September 2019
CCP Winter Series Race 4, 15th September 2019
Good weather, but with a deceptive NNW wind that made the home run much harder! My sympathies were with the “Wyong River Ultra” Paddlers last Saturday, who had to battle much stronger winds! ( “A very enjoyable Event” was the general opinion, and the Dragon Boats added an exciting element!)
Jess Hagan is showing improvement already, to lead in the 7.5km section.
Lew Zasca showed us a “clean pair of heels”, with a time almost equal to his best, over the 11.35km course.
Open Water Champion, Luke Eltham, gave Andrew Wilkinson a minute start, and caught him “on the line,” in one of the best displays seen at Wyong for many a day!
Ray Weekes also recorded one of his fastest times!
Gina Weekes, despite not being 100%, set her fastest time over the distance, in her new craft.
Max Lyons, and Mick Carroll, both performed to expectations, despite their 30km on Saturday.
Rob McPherson must have benefited from his 17km in the Ultra Marathon, with a PB!
It is over five years since Marg and Rob Cook set a faster time!
Nathan Podlich could still manage a smile, despite a three minute difference to last race – a OS holiday, the culprit?
It has been quite a while since we have seen Dave and Troy Spencer paddling together, but they surprised us with a double ski!
Warwick Nichols still managed the 15km, despite a tough 17km on Saturday.
29th September?