Results for Summer Race 2, 18th February 2018
Calm conditions today – temperature not too hot, but humidity high, making racing with a lifejacket on, potentially dangerous for vulnerable competitors.
It is disappointing that this issue has not been addressed by “the Authorities!”
Photos by President Steve, from today – link to the web-site http:// gallery/ or alternatively, the club Flickr site photos/ccccgallery/albums
There were many excellent efforts today, but perhaps most notable, was Visitor Andrew Wilkinson’s PB – shaving 53 seconds off his Race 1 time!
Warwick Nichols and Visitor Shane Tagg (HVPC) earned fastest time, with a 53:29, after my adjustments for their (and Andrew’s) “early starts” of two minutes, and one minute 34 seconds, respectively.
Following the “adjustments”, Gina Weekes was promoted to “line honors,” with Anne Moore in second place – well done Ladies!
Cam Tunbridge also earned a PB, in only his third run in his K1, on this course – possibly encouraged by HVPC President, Ray Baxter who finished a length behind!
Max Lyons, who has an enviable record as an expert “wash rider”, was able to finish one minute ten seconds ahead of the Handicapper’s assessment, – and all “his own work!” Congratulations, Max!
Max Lyons, who has an enviable record as an expert “wash rider”, was able to finish one minute ten seconds ahead of the Handicapper’s assessment, – and all “his own work!” Congratulations, Max!
The perennial Jim Buckland, piloting his speedy “self built” Medium Rec craft, was within one second of his second best time for the past year!
Late arriving Visitor, Adam Grey, did a good job of handicapping himself, to finish a well-earned 35 seconds ahead of handicap finish time, in ninth position.
Mick Carroll also finished “ahead” – on track with his “race preparations.”
“Sprinter” Ray Weekes, battled the “long course,” and the humid conditions, to finish just outside “finish time.”
The final positions in the 11.35km race, were hotly contested by the speedy husband and wife “Cook” team (SLR2), and Alby Cobb (SLR) who recorded 10.61km/hr, and 10.44km/hr respectively.
On the “Short Course” – 7.5km – Rob McPherson was back to last year’s form – winning by a clear margin from Ross Fraser and Nick Naughton. Owen and David “soldiered on,” despite feeling “not so good!”
Full results are available at
Next Race 11th March.