Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 03 21-06-06
Results for Series 6 CCP time trial race 03 21-06-06
Hi Members and Friends,
I’ll need to have a serious talk with the Handicapper about the unprecedented winner this week! An aberration, I’m sure!
Cam and Rob tackled the Lake this week, while Clive and I enjoyed the calm of Wyong River – still has a bit of flow out, though – which was noticeable on the return leg!
The water has cleared up, eventually, after the rain.
Jim paddles a shallow creek near Toronto.
Our President’s Doubles is set for later this month – 27th June – which was not not held last year due to Covid 19.
It is open to all comers, and run on handicap, with a Trophy for the fastest time.
I know Mick will be keen to retain the trophy, again, this year!
$5 entry per person, lifejackets to be worn.
There are a couple of Club TK2s, and a K2, available to borrow, (which Members have first priority to.)
Let me know which one you would like to reserve.
The 7.62km course is available for Paddlers in single craft.
Lucky Prizes.
We have succeeded in getting the fallen Coral Trees removed from Lions Park.
Happy Paddling!