Results for CCP time trial 1 – 8th Jan 2010
Results for CCP time trial 1 on 8th Jan 2020
Hi Members and Friends,
“Happy New Year,” but with compassion for all those, variously impacted by the ferocious, indiscriminate, bushfires. At Wyong, we have only had a bit of smoke, some of the time, so are very fortunate.
On Wednesday evening the 8th, we were able to run our first Time Trial for 2020, as there was only some high level smoke, which I reckon had been blown back from over the Pacific!
Five Paddlers – Clive, Rob, Jess, Neil and Nathan were able to beat the Handicapper’s time, with the other three – Clarence, Nick and Cameron – close behind.
The Wattagan Mountains, usually visible to the west, were completely obliterated! See pic taken from Wyong Village, a couple of days earlier.
All keen for next week!
Regards, Nick.