Report from Winter Series Race 4, 3rd September 2017
I think we had the best of the day at Lions Park – superb!
After a hurried arrangement of surprise entrants, the short course entrants were “off and running!”
In preparation for the “Mountain Man”, Clarence Hines did his best speed this year, and wasted no time in returning to the Starter!
President Steve Hill produced his best ever speed on our River!
Jim Buckland also had a good day, finishing just a few seconds later.
John Wood just missed a place, after looking “a good thing” during the race.
I had to be content with a 5th, despite my best time for several months!
Peter Nickless wasn’t “out of it” in his first race in nearly seven months.
Thanks also to Peter Nickless, who raked up the floating debris at the entry steps, produced by the stiff winds this past week.
President Steve outlined progress with our planned Storage Room and Master Plan for the Park which we are developing with support from C C Council.
I understand that our new CCP LOGO is ready for display – congratulations to winning designer Anne Cowper! President Steve will “do the unveiling!” Watch for the announcement!
“Spring has sprung!” — see you next week? There are some Club Doubles waiting for Paddlers!