CCCC Time Trial 17, 29th March 2017
A warm and humid evening for the Final Time Trial for the season!
But the water was near perfect – if a little discoloured!
Our faithful Timekeeper, Anne, had an extra task in sorting out wayward “Starters” but when the Elapsed Times were processed, Rob McPherson finished 1st with a PB time of 44:32! Extra-ordinary!
Mick Carroll and Cam Tunbridge were next, both with PBs – 39:16 and 40:11! Well done lads! There was very little “petrol left in the tanks!” of all three, especially Mick and Cam who were on their second lap!
Then came Nick Naughton – 44:58, Jim Buckland – 48:36, and Ross Fraser – 50:43, having his first TT here, in his Apollo.
Past President, Mick Carroll, presented Anne Cowper with a small token of the TTers’ appreciation for her Timekeeping duties, and Jim Buckland made a similar Presentation to the Handicapper.
We reminded ourselves that there are Club Races (11,35km and 7.5km) this Sunday, “pay on the day”, 9:00am Start, and PNSW State Series Races (5, 10, 15, and 20km) at Tacoma, the following Sunday – 10:45 am Start. Enter “online.”
I continue to be impressed, every race, at the honest effort and performances of our Competitors, who are actually racing for “nothing” – no gold medals or even blue ribbons! But, I know they are rewarded with loads of satisfaction!
Keep safe – see you “on the water?”
Full results for the 2016 – 2017 Time Trial can be found at 7.5km TIME TRIAL RESULTS 5.10.16 – 29.03.17