2024-07-28 CCP Winter Series Race 02
2024-07-28 CCP Winter Series Race 02
Hi Members and Friends,
Sunny and fine…..but windy!!
Not a day for PBs!
Max had his first win this year, and inspired me to record my first placing, also this year.
Cam was within three seconds of handicap, with another seven Paddlers within a minute! Marnie was just over a minute later, with Rob and Sue possibly troubled by the relentless westerly wind, on the return trip.
Our AGM was speedily conducted, after being opened by Vice President Rob. A motion to dispense with unnecessary formality was carried by the voices.
The President’s (Ray) Report, the Secretary’s (Nick) Report, and the Treasurer’s (Margaret) Report were, however, read to acclaim. Our Financial situation has slightly improved during the “year.”
The Returning Officer was satisfied to declare all positions re-elected.
General Business saw discussion concerning the re-emergence of Salvinia Molesta weed. See pic 2547, especially, which is Wyong River above the Milk Factory Weir, before the flood carried most of it downstream, to end up in the Lake, where it still caused a nuisance to beach side inhabitants.
Many sensible reasons were given why an effort to remove the Weed, by hand using our water craft, would fail.
However, in the absense of any other possible solution, we will investigate implementation of our proposal, to try and avoid a repeat of the infestation this Summer.
The Weed is reputed to double in size in about three days, given ideal, warmer, conditions.
The Lucky Prizes were won by Diana and Rob.
Thank you Diana and Margaret, for braving the conditions today, to enable us to “enjoy” ourselves.