2022-06-25 CCP Summer Series Race 10
2022-06-25 CCP Summer Series Race 10
Hi Members and Friends,
In glorious conditions, we welcomed some new, and “old,” Visitors – it was like a “re-enactment” of the bygone “NSW Canoeing” days!
Great to see Pete McGee (Cobber) again, and Allan Newhouse – of “handcrafted C1” fame – both well known Paddlers. Also, Marnie Kay – a former CCCC (now CCP) President – still as fiercely competitive as ever! (just pipped by Russell Brown!)
Welcome to two “newbies” – Ross Ferguson and Marnie Fitzpatrick!
Peter Walker found his second best form, to be first Member home!
Vernise and Paul tried out a unique paddle configuration today – a single paddle and a double paddle, in their Sea K2! A new double blade is being considered!
Paul Davis and Ross Ferguson were the Lucky Prize winners.
Thank you Margaret for Timekeeper duties; Rob and Cam for technical support; and Allan for top photography!
I encourage Members to attend our AGM, to be held at Lions Park, weather permitting, after Race 2, 31st July – Committee Members needed!
Keep safe – on and off the water!